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National Gathering for Indigenous Education:
A Shared Responsibility: Charting a Course for our Tomorrow
Join us for the National Gathering for Indigenous Education @ Home.
The National Gathering is a place where educators and partners can share their voices and work together to improve the educational outcomes of K-12 Indigenous students. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and in the interest of public health and safety, this year’s National Gathering will take place virtually. Included in your regular rate ticket is a student panel discussion (where three students will discuss their experiences in post-secondary educational settings), workshops over two days, a keynote address and an opportunity to network and share best practices with Indigenous educators across the country.
Tanya Talaga is an Anishinaabe author and speaker. Talaga's first book, Seven Fallen Feathers, is a national bestseller, winning the RBC Taylor Prize, the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing, and the First Nation Communities Read Award: Young Adult/Adult. The book was also a finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Nonfiction Prize and the BC National Award for Nonfiction. Talaga was the 2017–2018 Atkinson Fellow in Public Policy and the 2018 CBC Massey Lecturer, the first woman of Ojibwe descent to be so. Her second book, also a national bestseller, is All Our Relations: Finding The Path Forward. Talaga’s mother’s family is from Fort William First Nation and her father was Polish. For more than twenty years, Talaga was a journalist at the Toronto Star. She was nominated five times for the Michener Award in public service journalism and has been part of two teams that have won National Newspaper Awards for Project of the Year.
Talaga is CEO of Makwa Creative Inc., a production company focused on Indigenous storytelling.
Talaga holds an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Lakehead University, Thunder Bay.
National Gathering for Indigenous Education
Thursday November 26 2020.
Thank you to our presenting corporate sponsor Suncor, Lead partner the Government of Canada, Major Sponsors TD Bank Group and the Slaight Family Foundation, Supporting Sponsor Syncrude, Keynote Speaker Sponsor Shell and Student Panel Sponsor CN.
The Tradeshow and Networking Lounge are open during the whole event, please feel free to explore the platform throughout the day
COO of Indspire, Cliff Fregin
Knowledge Keeper Cam Hill
Dr. Mike DeGagne
Presenting Corporate Sponsor Suncor
TD Bank Group
Inspiration Sponsor
Presenting Corporate Sponsor Suncor
Workshop 1: sponsored by Animal Smart: a program of the Ontario SPCA
Tammy Stoneman
Sharon Shadow
Flora Asp
Presented by FNTI, Ontario Teachers' Federation and OCAD University
Workshop 2: sponsored by Suncor
Presented by Armanda McArthur
Inspiration Sponsor
Grand River Singers Society
Workshop 3: sponsored by LNG Canada
Workshop 4: sponsored by TD Bank Group
Friday November 27 2020
Thank you to our presenting corporate sponsor Suncor, Lead partner the Government of Canada, Major Sponsors TD Bank Group and the Slaight Family Foundation, Supporting Sponsor Syncrude, Keynote Speaker Sponsor Shell and Student Panel Sponsor CN.
The Tradeshow and Networking Lounge are open during the whole event, please feel free to explore the platform throughout the day
President and CEO of Indspire, Dr. Mike Degagne
Sponsored by Shell
Please enter the lobby to access the Tradeshow Hall or Networking Lounge
COO of Indspire, Cliff Fregin
Workshop 5: sponsored by TD Bank Group
Inspiration Sponsor
Workshop 6: sponsored by Animal Smart: a program of the Ontario SPCA
Laryssa Gorecki
Lydia Sunchild
Presented by FNTI, Ontario Teachers' Federation and OCAD University
Presented by Suncor
Workshop 7: sponsored by LNG Canada
Adrianna Bilinski
Dillon Koopmans
Inspiration Sponsor
Workshop 8: sponsored by Suncor
Knowledge Keeper Cam Hill